A series on automatic differentiation in Julia. Part 4 extends part 3 to handle maps, getfield and anonymous functions. It creates a generic gradient descent and uses this to fit a polynomial.
This is part of a series. The other articles are:
All source code can be found at MicroGrad.jl.
By end of part 3 we had code that could automatically differentiate many functions as long as we had rrule
s and there was no control flow.
However, the code failed for the polynomial model:
struct Polynomial{V<:AbstractVector}
(m::Polynomial)(x) = evalpoly(x, m.weights)
(m::Polynomial)(x::AbstractVector) = map(m, x)
model = Polynomial([3.0, 2.0, -3.0, 1.0])
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
pullback(model, x) # ERROR: No method found for Tuple{typeof(fieldtype) ....}
Calling @code_ir model(x)
, we can see that code is lowered as follows:
1: (%1, %2)
%7 =, %2)
return %7
And further that model(1.0)
is lowered to:
1: (%1, %2)
%3 = Base.getproperty(%1, :weights)
%4 = Main.evalpoly(%2, %3)
return %4
We could have also defined the map
using an anonymous function:
(m::Polynomial)(x::AbstractVector) = map(x->evalpoly(x, m.weights), x)
In which case it would have been lowered to:
1: (%1, %2)
%3 = Main.:(var"#43#44")
%4 = Core.typeof(%1)
%5 = Core.apply_type(%3, %4)
%6 = %new(%5, %1)
%7 =, %2)
return %7
The calls to Core.typeof
and Core.apply_type
are in the list of ignored functions.
However we need to handle map
, getproperty
and %new
These sort of functions do not have formal mathematical derivatives and so they do not have rrule
s in ChainRules.jl.
Instead, Zygote.jl handles these functions with their own custom pullbacks.
Zygote also replaces some low level functions like new
, getproperty
and getindex
entirely with custom code.
The pullback for map
is fairly complex. What will be presented here is a simplified version.
It might also help to look at the less generic code in the example in part 1.
Consider the following code:
f(x) = sin(x)
x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5]
map(f, x)
The pullback
for map
should return 3 values: $\text{s̄elf}$ for map
, $\bar{f}$ for the function f
and $\bar{x}$ for each value in x
The code will start by getting pullbacks for each value in x
ys_and_backs = map((xs...) -> pullback(f, xs...), x) # ((0.099, Pullback), (0.198, Pullback), (0.479, Pullback))
This list is in a “zipped” format: there are $n$ entries of $(y_i, \mathcal{B}_i)$ for an array length $n$. This will be unzipped into two lists each of length $n$: $(y_1,…,y_n), (\mathcal{B}_1,…,\mathcal{B}_n)$:
Δ = ones(length(x))
ys = map(first, ys_and_backs) # (0.099, 0.198, 0.479)
∂f_and_∂x_zipped = map(((_, pb), δ) -> pb(δ), ys_and_backs, Δ) # ((nothing, 0.995), (nothing, 0.980), (nothing, 0.877))
The gradients list of $n$ entries
\[((\text{s̄elf}_1, \bar{x}_{11}, ..., \bar{x}_{k1}), ...,(\text{s̄elf}_n, \bar{x}_{1n}, ..., \bar{x}_{kn}))\]needs to be further unzipped into $k+1$ lists for $\text{s̄elf}$ and $k$ arguments:
\[(\text{s̄elf}_1,...,\text{s̄elf}_{n}), (\bar{x}_{11},...,\bar{x}_{1n}), ... (\bar{x}_{k1},...,\bar{x}_{kn})\]This is done with an unzip
function which generalises first
to any index i
struct StaticGetter{i} end
(::StaticGetter{i})(v) where {i} = v[i]
(::StaticGetter{i})(::Nothing) where {i} = nothing
function _unzip(tuples, ::Val{N}) where {N}
getters = ntuple(n -> StaticGetter{n}(), N)
map(g -> map(g, tuples), getters)
function unzip(tuples)
N = length(first(tuples))
_unzip(tuples, Val(N))
The result:
∂f_and_∂x = unzip(∂f_and_∂x_zipped) # [nothing, nothing, nothing], [0.995, 0.98, 0.877]
As a final step, all the gradients for the function are accumulated into one value:
∂f = reduce(accum, ∂f_and_∂x[1]) # nothing
Putting all this code in a single function (source):
function pullback(::typeof(map), f::F, args::Vararg{Any, N}) where {F, N}
ys_and_backs = map((xs...) -> pullback(f, xs...), args...)
ys = map(first, ys_and_backs)
function map_pullback(Δ)
# technically should apply f in reverse and reverse back afterwards in case f is stateful
∂f_and_∂x_zipped = map(((_, pb), δ) -> pb(δ), ys_and_backs, Δ)
∂f_and_∂x = unzip(∂f_and_∂x_zipped)
∂f = reduce(accum, ∂f_and_∂x[1])
∂args = ∂f_and_∂x[2:end]
return (nothing, ∂f, ∂args...)
ys, map_pullback
x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5]
z, back = pullback(map, sin, x)
back(ones(length(x))) # (nothing, nothing, [0.995, 0.98, 0.877])
And also:
z, back = pullback(map, f, [2.0, 4.0], [3.0, 5.0])
back([1.0, 1.0]) # (nothing, nothing, [0.074, 0.029], [-0.099, -0.047])
Zygote.jl modifies some of the source code before creating the primal and reverse passes.
Here is a simplified version of this instrument
function which only replaces new
and getfield
function instrument(ir::IR)
pr = Pipe(ir)
for (v, st) in pr
ex = st.expr
if isexpr(ex, :new)
pr[v] = xcall(Main, :__new__, ex.args...)
elseif is_literal_getfield(ex)
pr[v] = xcall(Main, :literal_getfield, ex.args[2], Val(unwrapquote(ex.args[3])))
iscall(x, m::Module, n::Symbol) = isexpr(x, :call) && x.args[1] == GlobalRef(m, n)
unwrapquote(x) = x
unwrapquote(x::QuoteNode) = x.value
is_literal_getfield(ex) =
(iscall(ex, Core, :getfield) || iscall(ex, Base, :getfield)) &&
ex.args[3] isa Union{QuoteNode,Integer}
Modify the existing _generate_pullback_via_decomposition
and _generate_callable_pullback
functions to call it:
function _generate_pullback_via_decomposition(T, world)
m = meta(T; world=world)
isnothing(m) && return nothing
ir = IR(m)
length(blocks(ir)) == 1 || error("control flow is not supported")
ir = instrument(ir) # new
pr, calls = primal(ir, T)
m, pr, calls
function _generate_callable_pullback(j::Type{<:Pullback{S, T}}, world, Δ) where {S, T}
m = meta(S; world=world)
ir = IR(m)
isnothing(ir) && return :(error("Non-differentiable function ", repr(args[1])))
length(blocks(ir)) == 1 || error("control flow is not supported")
ir = instrument(ir) # new
back = reverse_differentiate(ir)
back = slots!(inlineable!(back))
ci = build_codeinfo_(back)
ci.slotnames = [Symbol("#self#"), :Δ]
Now we need to define literal_getfield
and __new__
and their pullbacks.
Calls to getproperty
default to getfield
, where a field is is declared in a struct’s declaration.
The getfield
function is substituted with literal_getfield
literal_getfield(x, ::Val{f}) where f = getfield(x, f)
The pullback will return a NamedTuple
for each field, where the gradient is Δ
for the relevant field and nothing for the others (source):
@generated nt_nothing(x) = Expr(:tuple, [:($f=nothing) for f in fieldnames(x)]...)
@generated pair(::Val{k}, v, _=nothing) where k = :($k = v,)
function pullback(::typeof(literal_getfield), x, ::Val{f}) where f
val = getfield(x, f)
function literal_getfield_back(Δ)
if isimmutable(x)
dx = (; nt_nothing(x)..., pair(Val(f), Δ)...)
(nothing, dx, nothing)
error("multable stucts not supported")
val, literal_getfield_back
pullback(::typeof(getfield), x, field_name::Symbol) = pullback(literal_getfield, x, Val(field_name))
For example:
struct Foo
foo = Foo(1.0, 'a', "hello")
z, back = pullback(getfield, foo, :b) # ('a', literal_getfield_back)
back(1.0) # (nothing, (a = nothing, b = 1.0, c = nothing), nothing)
And for the polynomial model:
z, back = pullback(model, 1.0)
back(2.3) # ((weights = [2.3, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3],), -2.3)
For the first time we have a value $\text{s̄elf}$, which is the named tuple for the fields.
The code now works with:
(m::Polynomial)(x::AbstractVector) = map(m, x)
It returns $\text{s̄elf}$ and $\bar{x}$:
model = Polynomial([3.0, 2.0, -3.0, 1.0])
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
z, back = pullback(model, x)
back(ones(4)) # ((weights = [4.0, 10.0, 30.0, 100.0],), [-1.0, 2.0, 11.0, 26.0])
However with an anonymous function:
(m::Polynomial)(x::AbstractVector) = map(x->evalpoly(x, m.weights), x)
is returned for $\text{s̄elf}$:
z, back = pullback(model, x)
back(ones(4)) # (nothing, [-1.0, 2.0, 11.0, 26.0])
If we inspect the primal(ir)
, we see that it’s because no pullbacks and hence no gradients are recorded against variable %1
1: (%1, %2)
%3 = Main.:(var"#74#75")
%4 = Core.typeof(%1)
%5 = Core.apply_type(%3, %4)
%6 = %new(%5, %1)
%7 = Main.pullback(, %6, %2)
%8 = Base.getindex(%7, 1)
%9 = Base.getindex(%7, 2)
%10 = Base.tuple(%9)
%11 = (Pullback{Any})(%10)
%12 = Base.tuple(%8, %11)
return %12
The solution is to swap %new
with a call to a custom function __new__
with a pullback.
This function is as follows (source):
macro __splatnew__(T, args)
esc(Expr(:splatnew, T, args))
@inline __new__(T, args...) = @__splatnew__(T, args)
And the pullback is (source):
using Base: RefValue
struct Jnew{T,G}
Jnew{T}(g) where T = Jnew{T,typeof(g)}(g)
function pullback(::typeof(__new__), T, args...)
x = __new__(T, args...)
g = !ismutabletype(T) || fieldcount(T) == 0 ? nothing : grad_mut(x)
x, Jnew{T,typeof(g)}(g)
@generated function (back::Jnew{T,G})(Δ::Union{NamedTuple,Nothing,RefValue}) where {T,G}
!ismutabletype(T) && Δ == Nothing && return :nothing
Δ = G == Nothing ? :Δ :
Δ <: RefValue ? :(back.g[]) :
:(accum(back.g[], Δ))
x̄ = $Δ
$(G == Nothing || :(back.g[] = nt_nothing($Δ)))
(nothing, nothing, $(map(f -> :(x̄.$f), fieldnames(T))...))
Now if we try the following (after redefining @generated function pullback
and function (methodinstance::Pullback)
) we should get the same results:
z, back = pullback(model, x)
back(ones(4)) # ((weights = [4.0, 10.0, 30.0, 100.0],), [-1.0, 2.0, 11.0, 26.0])
Now that we have an automatic differentiation engine, it is possible to create a much more generic gradient descent function than in part 1:
function gradient_descent!(
; learning_rate::AbstractFloat=0.1,
losses = Float64[]
for i in 1:max_iters
loss_iter, back = pullback(model) do m
result = m(X)
loss(result, Y)
Δf, Δm = back(1.0)
update_params!(parameters(model), Δm; learning_rate=learning_rate)
push!(losses, loss_iter)
Note that pullback(m->f(m), model)
is directly equivalent to pullback(model) do f(m) end
The update_params!
function is defined as follows:
function update_params!(params::NamedTuple, grads::NamedTuple; options...)
for key in keys(params)
update_params!(params[key], grads[key]; options...)
function update_params!(params::Tuple, grads::Tuple; options...)
for (p, g) in zip(params, grads)
update_params!(p, g; options...)
function update_params!(params, grads; learning_rate::AbstractFloat=0.1)
params .-= learning_rate .* grads # must broadcast to edit elements and not copies!
The parameters
function is defined per model.
(Flux uses the generic Functors.jl library to accomplish something similar.)
Let’s create the exact same data set from part 1:
using StatsBase
target_weights = [15.0, -2.1, 13.9, 1.5]
noise_factor = 0.2
xs = (rand(100) .- 0.5) .* 10
ys = map(x -> evalpoly(x, target_weights), xs)
scale_factor = mean(abs.(ys))
ys .+= randn(length(ys)) * scale_factor * noise_factor
The Polynomial
model is defined in the introduction. We also need a custom method for parameters
parameters(m::Polynomial) = (;weights=m.weights)
Define the model:
model = Polynomial(rand(4))
Some sanity checks:
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
z, back = pullback(model, x) # ([1.68, 7.21, 21.2], Pullback)
back([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # ((weights = [3.0, 6.0, 14.0, 36.0],), [-1.0, 2.0, 11.0])
z, back = pullback(m->m(x), model)
back([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # (nothing, (weights = [3.0, 6.0, 14.0, 36.0],))
y = [2.0, 4.0, 8.0]
z, back = pullback(m->mse(m(x), y), model)
back(1.0) # (nothing, (weights = [10.7 30.5, 87.6, 254.6],))
Train the model:
history = gradient_descent!(model, mse, xs, ys; learning_rate=1e-5, max_iters=2000)
This works just as well as before.
We now have a fully working AD package.
It has some limitations, such as it cannot handle control flow or keyword arguments.
However it can already work on a wide variety of code.
All that might be needed is new rrule
The next and final part of this series is a demonstration of exactly that.